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It's an okay idle game, a bit on the p2w side though, but if you treat it as a side game and log-in regularly for a few minutes to get stuff you can reach whatever goal you might have. To be honest, I'm here more for the art than the gameplay itself; the "Global" version, or whatever that was launched before, was a censorship fest, so I quickly steered away from that. I'm still not sure, but I'm glad this one doesn't seem to suffer from that.
Way more f2p-friendly than the Global version; just as an example, I was able to progress in less than a week what took me almost a month in the Global version. There's also no censorship, so this is also the full experience. The only downside is the language barrier, which can be easily overcome with an OCR translator (for the UI at least, not much can be done about the chat if you don't know a lick of Japanese like me).
I don't think I've ever seen an idle game that can be "cleared" in ~3 months. The devs clearly don't know a thing about progress balancing, since the gold/quests becomes irrelevant way before you hit the last stage. Now pretty much everyone who started playing as the game launched is at the last stage with not much else to do besides recycled events. I can only wish the devs keep adding more stages to all the modes because, as it is, this game has a premature expiration date. The "new" units that gets released regularly are kind of useless and only serves to dilute the gacha pool, making the process of building a character a pain in the butt.
Very complex game that will have you tinkering with it for a while before being able to clear the content. It has become unplayable since the last few updates however, crashing every time I try opening it on my phone. At least it still works on emulators so not all hope is lost, but it's still a shame I can't play it on the go. Stay away from Android 11, folks!
No ads and no microtransactions, this is a real game that every other Android game dev should take notes of. The controls are wonky (well, that's a given for 3D games with touchscreen controls) and the grinding is kind of a turn-off, but everything else is stellar. The difficulty is easy-ish, but only if you make it so by over-grinding. Hopefully the next game in the series is even more polished, though going by the track record that's almost a certainty. I also hope that their Switch endeavour doesn't mean the end of Android development; that would be a bummer.
This is not a game; it's a gambling addict's paradise. Absolutely everything in it is meant for people who spend money on microtransactions. They make you feel forced to pay for everything for a chance at progression/events, otherwise you'll only get crumbles. Want some slots for your new, shiny cards? 150 jewels for 5 (five!) slots. Want rune time for Tower? Pay 100 jewels per rune or suffer through the rigged RNG. Want map pieces for DRV? Cough up 100 jewels for a piece, you need four of them. Want some cards for the second/third easiest difficulty (that will get you nowhere anyway in regards to ranking)? 300/1000 jewels or bust (only for the first 72 hours though, don't get too cocky, paypig). Of course some dumbass that plays this crap since 2014 will tell otherwise, but as a newcomer/"F2P" everything above is the truth. "F2P" because that doesn't really exist here; you WILL pay for something sooner or later, that's how things work in Mynet's VC, not out of enjoyment (that doesn't exist here unless you're a clown, err I mean whale), but sheer pressure and frustration. Tapjoy is a scam, a time-wasting one at that, so don't even bring that shit up. Gameplay-wise, some unskippable, uselessly long animations and numerous loading circles will piss you off really fast if you still haven't quit. It's all so tiresome.
Keeps crashing when setting the graphics to high, so I have to make the game ugly to be able to play for more than 5 consecutive minutes. Everything else has already been perfectly addressed by Lieylac, so I'll spare the words.
The gacha system greatly detracts from what could have been a superb game, and I'm not just talking about the characters. Not being able to craft or get actually good equipment by playing the game is a big minus in my book. I won't complain about the resin system -- at least not yet -- because I'm taking my time to get through the game, so I'm still ways away from the "end-game". Hopefully it's not as bad as people make it seem, because the 6 weeks interval between content updates will make it unbearable.
TLDR: Pay-to-win trash. Long version: New servers every two f*cking weeks just to bait whales (or suckers, as I like to describe them) to hop servers, killing older servers (all 395 of them). Progression stalls for f2pers because you need much $$$luck$$$ pulling four f*cking units of the same element and rarity to evolve a single character, all that while severely limiting the inventory, which by the way is only expandable with premium currency, greatly increasing its price for a negligible amount of extra space. Some functions are locked behind VIP levels, which you can only increase by spending real money.
Pay-to-win, no matter what people say in the game chat or in other reviews. You are going to wade through several months of mindless grinding if you want to get anywhere close to what whales are able to achieve whenever they can, and by then your server will probably already have become a barren land dominated by 4~8 people, all while waiting for the inevitable server merges. All in all, this is a short-lived game that will most likely close down in two~four years, so invest your time/money wisely.
Edit: As I thought, this game is dying. First they release a whale-centered character that can solo three characters in PvP, completely breaking the balance and making people quit the game in droves, and as if that's not enough, they're also creating new servers needlessly, probably to lure heavy spenders to hop servers just to get ahead sooner, since each previous new server barely have enough players for it to be a "fun" experience. Chat cen**rship also got e**n more retarded.
Sword Master Story | Global
2.0Apparently there's no way to change the VO language, so I have to listen to this cringe-ass English VO if I want to understand what's on my screen. I am not an American, nor from a country that has English as its mother language, so I don't have to stand such bad quality voice acting. If there IS a way to change to Korean/Japanese VOs, please let me know so I can give this game the rating it deserves. Call me a weeb all you want, that doesn't change the fact that you smell like burgers and soy milk.