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Furukawa Koyomi 18070597

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The Gameplay are basically a bad mix-up of Musou/Dynasty Warriors like game and 3d Arena PVE fighter game (like PGR, HI3, Aether Gazer, etc).

The story are pretty much like Memoria Freese but Using 3d Models instead Characters CG.

Edit : I don't why but I can't post the longer ver. of my review because Qooapp keep telling me ot has sensitive word but didn't point out which one.

Aether Gazer | Global


So far it quite fun to play and like many other gacha game that just released it had not that much of contents so right now what I'm doing is just leveling my characters, doing daily, and some challenge.

The game have potential to be great but currently it just a decent game and have aspects where it lacking or not really good like for example in gameplay you can choose three characters to take into battle, interestingly instead switching between characters they make the other two who characters that are not your main as allies. While this can be really helpful again annoying mobs of enemies again bosses they can make them become too easy especially when they are high level because the AI is just really good I never see their HP went under 75% (at least in my case) not to mention the particles effects that your teammates throw around can often flash you making it hard to see the boss red flash indicator signaling their attack. So if you don't want this problem you have to choose ranged teammates so they won't obstruct your vision again the boss.

Beside that there are no option do delete the Voice Pack to save Storage Space, and the Graphics option is really limited.

Edit 6 August 2023 : The lore from what I can grasp are the world that they live in are Virtual World created to mimic the earth in the past because the current Earth can no longer sustain life, so what are Visbane?
so far there are no specific explanation of what Visbanes are (unless it was explained in character bond story that I don't have) and where are they came from, one of theory is that they are some kind system errors in this Virtual World Simulation and Modifiers are there to correct them.

Blue Archive | Japanese


A buggy mediocre game, I can't even play the game since launch because I keep getting stuck at the beginning of tutorial because the game keep freezing and only recently that I can play it after using a trick to avoid the tutorial (using PC emulator to finish the game tutorial then transfer the account to phone).

the story is decent so far beside recapping the anime the game also tell us the story of Shadow Garden between the Claire kidnapping and Cid enrollment to school. Beside that this game also flesh out the some of characters that already and little spotlight in Anime, Manga and LN.

The gameplay is not bad but it not really good either, when you find out how it work it quite fun but so far at least for me it not quite challenging unless when the enemies strength is close to you because if you don't manage and pay attention to your team your tank can get killed and rest are literal paper armor. While it not really good we should remember that some of the successfull gacha games today is also have pretty weak gameplay at the beginning, and this game also has that potential of improvement (though it really unlike with crunchyroll heading the eng ver.)

Overall it is mediocre game that has very little source (if I remember correctly only 5 novel volume currently) unlike other game like Memoria Freese that has pretty big source (I don't exactly remember how volume it has already, but if I remember correctly it almost 20 volume not counting the spin off), etc. So unless the author is investing much in this game and it give quite big profit there highly chance that the game won't last long.

Edit : I decide to uninstall the game since Princess Connect termination, Pricon is my last hope on Crunchyroll since remembering their track record on terminating games pretty well still alive in JP, because of this I lost all my trust in Crunchyroll.

The game is okay I really like the story and world building but unfortunately they do so many questionable thing to this game giving me terrible playing experience. The gameplay is simple just shot your enemy until it dead while under time limit or before your enemy kill you so you need to kill them fast so you need good Nikkes, Equipments, and elemental affinity this is where it goes bad.

To be able to get good Nikkes you need to roll for Gacha like any gacha game the problem is the line up, they have more SSR than SR & R, with how difficult to get SSR are in gacha those who are unlucky will stuck with SR & R. The next problem is those SSR didn't feel like SSR at all because from my experience (I don't know if it just me) my SR & R line up are more useful than SSR line up that I got making me feel frustrated that I have wasted my time and resources on them. Also there are no pity in this game.

The game loading is really slow it took me like 2 - 10 seconds when I switch to various thing like main menu, Main Campaign, Ark, etc. And the slowest of them all is the loading when you open the game, somehow it took me almost if not more than a minute to finally be able to login and the login it self took almost 20 second.

On this recent event you only get 5 energy per day making it pretty much making it impossible for majority of the players to finish this event. I didn't know what they thinking when whoever design this submit it and somehow got an ok from the higher-up despite it clear how bad idea this was.

A really fun arena Hack & Slash Mobile Games (PC ver. soon). Like many Mobile Gacha games it start pretty weak but it get better later (Story, Gameplay, and Musics). It also have really generous gacha pity, unlike many that requires you to roll around a hundred or more to get a quarantee SSR this game need less than that and it also carried over to the next banner.

Blue Archive | Global


Probably one of my favorites story driven gacha games right now. The game gameplay while fun it become repetitive and boring, the ai quite janky considering your glass cannon backliner can sometimes too close or standing in front of your tank and aggro enemies attack (This often happen in PVP atleast for me) but what making it bearable to me sometimes the game characters behavior in gameplay can randomly match their personality making me laugh. The strong point of this game is their Character and story.

When first saw this game animation PV it caught interest then after the game launch it was a buggy mess. The game gradually became heavy the longer you play and you need to restart it to make it smooth again and this messing with my experience. Then I find out who developed the game and I suddenly lost my interest expecting in a few months the game will be terminated like many other games that this developor released.

After a year I was surprised that the game didn't died considering their track records, and decide to come back. At that time the game while still quite buggy it better than when it launch and gradually fixing those bugs making the game bearable to me. As time goes on I starting to like this game because it really good at making you attached to their characters even the story can be pretty cliche sometime but not in a bad way. And after the 4th PV this game become among of my favorites gacha story game.

While it don't have great graphics or gameplay it have good story.

Edit : I just reinstall this game recently somehow the download speed is so slow it took me hours to just download around 4gb and this not the problem with my connection because not long before that I also redownload Arknights which is around 6.7 gb and it done in less than a hour, then when it already around 6.3 gb (it was nearly done because adding the initial and the main data it size is almost 7gb) I got an error which force me to restart the game to resume my download but strangely it tell me to download another 2.6gb making it almost 10gb.

Can someone tell if this is common problem with this game recently?

Arknights | English


Been waiting for the global ver. for pretty long time but somehow my e-mail didn't receive notification when it launch (or maybe it just my fault).

I actually not quite good with TD games so I rarely play it unless it has something really unique too it. This game somehow made hooked. From really interesting character and their good voice acts (Ko~ko~da~yo~), stories, to gameplay that while quite heavy on management and planning but it unexpectedly quite fun. This game is really F2P friendly, it doable to progress in stories or event even if you don't have high stars operator. it quite hard gather Orundum (the currentcy for rolling gacha beside headhunt) from Annihilation (the major source to farm it) at the beginning but after your Operators strong enough and you have the right strategy it would be more easier to farm it (it have limit of how much you can gather per-week but it increase with how much enemies you already the defeat at the stage) and again you don't really need high stars operators to do it.

Overall it really fun game for me, and look forward for the future events, and maybe new features.

Edit : I just adjusting my rating, this was posted originally around one month after the game launch.

Still waiting for the English ver.

It like Another Eden but improved a bit.

The game look like of Girl Frontline, Azur Lane and Warshipgirl with the main different in Gameplay and some other feature (exc. building base instead of upgrading and decorating dorm for Shipgirl). The gameplay is point and click to direct single or your whole fleet to place you want in battle while maintain their formation so you need to think in which place in formation to place your ship.

My main issue with this game right now is I unable to login using my Google Play Games account.

Can't play the game cause you need around 5gb free space to install it, mine have less than that and I'm really reluctant to uninstall my other games, lol.

This a good game but quite boring because you have little control on your ship's, and starting formation on a battle example sometime if you go in blind your weakest ship (SS) can become the main target by enemies ship because she the closes to them so you have to put them in the middle of formation so they won't be target on the beginning.

The other is quite fine remembering some the fitures is quite close to Azur Lane so it quite easy for me to remember.

Overall this game quite fun, but can become boring fast so hopefully they would improve this.

Eternal City | SEA


The game is good and quite enjoy playing it, but this game somehow keep gettin many bugs in my phone from graphic error, froze screen, blank control, unable to touch location, etc and I must restart the game get rid of only to have another one later.[憋屈] Hopefully they will fix this.

Fire Emblem Heroes


One of my favorite game too bad it was region locked.

Azur Lane | English


A side scrolling shooting game using using girl turned Warship. It really fun to play because it f2p friendly though it still depend on one luck to get SSR ships but even without SSR ships the other ships it still quite fun to use. The Shipgirs arts, VA's is good. It basically my favorite fleet girs game right now.

Warship Girls | Global


The game is quite boring the only thing I like about this is probably the ship girls illustrations, and the VA's. It had good potential though, hopefully they improve this game on the future.

Plants vs. Zombies™ 2


An improved but p2w of the original game.

King's Raid


An f2p friendly game.

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Notes (49) More
Performance Issue Before the new update I can play this game at mid 60 fps smooth, but after the new update the game got heavier that I keep suffering fatal frame drops like every 5 - 15 seconds during combats and not only that my device got hot so fast in 10 minutes. Does anybody experience something like this too? Read Note
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