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Game Comments (6) More

1. Please make offline
2. Please make english version
3. Please make music for giving encouragement, calm , unique and exciting like rock , melody , violin , harp , piano , harmonika , saxophone , nay , qanun , buzuq , tamborine , darabuka , mizmar , etc
4. Please make easier to get material upgrade and digivole
5. Please add more digimon and digivole tree from digimon series 1 until digimon series 6 like digimon anime tv

1. Please make offline and multiplayer online
2. Please make english version language
3. Hard get champion and ultimate digimon
4. Why in the battle only attack and skill menu ????
5. How to digivole ???
6. Too much Loading and too long
7. Size 129 mb and continue ???
8. Hard get BP , Crystal , Friendship point and other material for upgrade digimon
9. Please make choose selected different difficulty level not random battle
10. When i played long this game , over by over the energy point not restore and too longg ????

Power Rangers : All Stars


1. Please make offline
2. Please make easy to get ranger
3. Size 230 mb was to big and continue download ?
4. Get best item so hard
5. Loading too long
6. Hard to get green love and blue crystal
7. Hard get pieces card ranger
8. Please add more super sentai ranger from JP series

Kamen Rider Battle Rush


1. Please make english version
2. Please make offline
3. Hard get diamond , 5 and 6 star kamen rider too
4. Cost to deploy kamen rider in battle and Get kamen rider was to high
5. Hard get material to upgrade kamen rider
6. Hard to get energy point to cure Health kamen rider and deploy in battle

Kamen Rider: City Wars


1. Please make offline
2. Please add ALL of it more kamen rider series hero and other kamen rider
3. Hard get card skill for kamen rider
4. Hard get blue energy for buy kamen rider
5. Hard get diamond and continue battle after dead
6. Time to building is too long
7. Please add skill movie kamen rider like PSP and Playstation
8. Please make english version
9. Memori internal Size 230 MB was too big for OS under 6.0

Tokyo Ghoul:Dark War


1. Controler player sometime not corresponding and responsive with touch finger in screen
2. Why must login with facebook, google, and guest with server global to play the game ?
3. Please make it offline
4. Hard to find diamond , get VIP and get redemption code
5. Size 240 mb was too big for low specification smartphone
6. Why must pay purchase to get item exlusive ?
7. Download and loading was too long

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Notes (1) More
katekyo hitman reborn , devil may cry , kamen rider , resident evil , call of duty , B -daman , bayblade , crush gear turbo , tamiya 4Wd , bakugan , naruto , samurai x , starship trooper , transformer , pokemon , digimon , Blue dragon , inuyasha , power ranger  Read Note
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