Feels like a Russian conducted mental experiment, where you get locked into a room for a while only permitted to repeat doing one simple thing.... Aww that bgm....
One simple summary for beginners:
You're gonna play Druid WILD GROWTH for all heros(characters).
You can actually make your summoned minions OFF TABLE then become a cost crystal for your next turn, or for a trap magic counter card at your opponent's turn.
Vise versa, you can make your existing CRYSTAL MINION go on to the table for a calculated ambush strike.
Be sure to check the card COLOR system for summoning cost, then you're ready to go.
(P.S. there's no crystal in this game it's just a metaphor for heartstone players.)
Robot Mix Puzzle
2.4Feels like a Russian conducted mental experiment, where you get locked into a room for a while only permitted to repeat doing one simple thing.... Aww that bgm....