Remember when this game used to be just 2 buttons mashing and you could clear any difficulty?
Now do it again with random button placement on legendary mode
Notes (4)
MoreMy experiences of this game
I've been playing this game since its first title,
and it was one of the best VR-aspect mobile game if its time, Gacha rate is very generous Truly great experiences, and also pain
Airi is my love at first sight in this game but..
first Airi's original Voice actress which is the reason why I like her more beside her Character.. is retiring from doing anymore VA works..
and now the game is going away
The game service will end at last day of October
it's been a fun ride, Fellow captains,
the game will be available offline but that means their is nothing more to expect out of it.
Read Note
Tokyo 7th Sister
4.4Remember when this game used to be just 2 buttons mashing and you could clear any difficulty?
Now do it again with random button placement on legendary mode