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Hmmm the game is easy and seems fun (day 2 player and counting).
You choose from 5 different starting class (I guess the weapon and player builds vary), ehem:
Pyromancer (not mage really)
Stats to allocate during increase is simple
Str - for attack/defense
Dex - for range attacks, crit and evade
Int - for spell/skill damage up
Mana - for mp/mp regen up \
Constitution - for hp/hp regen up / these two stats can be increased on fixed levels i guess
In this game you will craft equipment using materials that the enemy drops. You will also upgrade equipment using various upgraders (for example copper ore to small copper sword, upgrade using copper upgrader, it's level increase varies per equip and give you a limit to when the upgrade can fail).
You'll see your experience bar pretty easily.
Level and Soul Level - these can have a difference of +/-7 max i guess, soul level requirements are used for learning skills active/passive ones there's a variation for each classes too.
In-game money is the green gem thingy (soul gems).
The combat is auto, watch as your character attacks the enemy on the field (which is adjustable from -- meaning random up to x1 to x5 enemies).
The game comes in english too it seems and you can join with other players too.
I just understood how to make new characters, but it's gonna need you to indentify the character's ID (can be seen in character info ingame as a 5-6 digit code) to open up a chara slot again. You can have upto 3 characters too use (all separate gameplay and inventories)
Since i wanna test out all the classes too, so far i have used Warrior, Thief, Archer, magic classes not yet.. ;-;) it'll have to wait.
Hmmm basically a cooking game where the ingame chef will do the cooking...
1 - you gacha the recipes
2 - pick a best seller from them
3 - earn gold from the food cooked
4 - upgrade chef to improve stats like getting orders, cooking, etc.
5 - earn enough points to upgrade the shop
then repeat from 1
Kinda okay for passing time i guess. If only i can read it all completely
Overall I can say is try it! Ah now i want to eat food.
Shoutry, yeah i remember them from the previous game called PocketLord. Ah takes me back.. unit raising back then was nice and fun.
Okay so now it's Stampede.
Graphics - I say superb, feels like the original pocketlord only different in game setup.
Sounds - the sound is great (for me) kinda brings me back to the old game but it still is good
Gameplay - different from the previous game since you get to battle infinitely, even if you lose you'll get reincarnated and get power-ups to raise your main chara (Princess) and 4 random soldiers (get replaced everytime you reincarnate or you can job change em).
- there's still the map exploration part (unlocked when u reach wave 5 i think..) a dungeon (unlocked when u reach wave 20). basically you get to collect random equipment from each wave you fight.
- save up some gems for power-up or to gacha new characters (for rank up), princess sprites (changeable when you reincarnate) and artifacts that boost your soldier and princess.
Storyline - still a big question mark for me..even the first game didn't have a story, but it's exploration type and wave clearing so...moving on
Value - okay, so like usual i normally put 5 stars on value as long as it can be played offline. no more discussion there.
For more info..try it. It's a good pastime game if you want to collect and challenge yourself.
Graphics - It feels retro RPGs from the SNES times.
Sound - haven't played it too long for now, but on what i hear ingame so far, is good.
Gameplay - It feels like playing classic Final Fantasy games (with job/class ones). Basically you're picking 1 of 10 rabbit variants (and pick 3 more later after starting) with their own unique builds, divided into:
Attacker, Defender, Magic user, Speedy type, attacker-defender hybrid, attacker-magic type, defender-magic type, attacker-speed type, defender-speed type and speedy-magic type? (not sure on last chara type will review it later)
Storyline - since i can't read 100% Japanese text at the moment, i get the gist that 10 brave rabbits will fight with the so-called Zombie King and so you need to set off from the rabbit town of Lagomorph and explore the Dungeon to maybe strengthen up and get weapons to fight the Zombie King.
Value - you can save only in town (which is like a save point area) and... it can be played offline so value is 5 ⭐ automatically.
speaking of the town of Lagomorph there is:
an item shop,
weapon/armor shop,
bar (to change/recruit rabbits),
magic shop,
MP recover inn + save point &
HP recover clinic,
and lastly 2 random peddlers (item shop consumable and for magic spells i think).
If you can play Japanese games... Try it.
Offline playable game? Yes! instant 5 value.
Hmmm i just reached 2nd island at the moment, going f2p mode as usual (yes my lunch and dinner is instant noodles from too much gacha games) hence kinda slow life.
Feels like Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon although you only bring starting weapon (+2-3 equips later on via upgrades) and level resets to 1.
Level up is unique as you get to pick what power up/skill you want during the runs so it's kinda new twist from normal resetting dungeons.
Challenges in the dungeons are a bit tricky sometimes unless you get how the enemy attack patterns (especially the bosses), it is enjoyable for RPG crazed players (maybe like me) I guess.?
Well enough info, try it and see for your self.
for now i think i should try out all donkysoft games, yeah the game sprites are kinda making me try them all out.
Graphics - It is almost the same graphics as Clicker Tower 3 and Tofu Fantasy, the difference is the game setting. Language wise, same as usual (as long as the message conveyed with poor english, i will definitely be able to play it normally, keep it up Developer-san)
Sounds - The sound is so-so for me, not too bad just enough for normal gameplay
Gameplay - The game setting is like first person dungeon trecking.
Cooldown on Heal and Magic attack (seems fair)
you can also summon monsters infinitely depending on floor area.
Pretty much straightforward but you'll be able to understand the mechanics as you play.
Tapping towards the upper part of the dungeon screen will move you forward the map and tapping below it will move you back, there's also a dive forward to the end of the current map (not recommended unless you're really strong level wise)
Infinite grinding
Storyline - I didn't get why you would travel inside a dungeon but I like exploring and grinding so...why not
Value - as usual anything offline playable is automatic 5 star rating for me.
If you're curious try playing it then judge for yourself.
You only need to test play most of the games you find to find truly great ones.
Oh as usual this game gives you items for beating bosses so be sure to pick em up as you progress in this dungeon travelling game.
Oh right when you get defeated.. you'll move back for around 100 steps backwards but you'll be able to resume exploring with full HP... not yet sure if bosses tend to appear in floors like A-450-455.
Game is simple and straightforward. You tap enemies to beat em completely and gain EXP and gold.
Gold, you use it to buy for status upgrades to increase your stats during level up.
Graphics - fairly okay, the goofy enemy sprites are cool
Sounds - average, not so bad
Gameplay - easy and straightforward as said above
Storyline - I guess the main chara loves her pet Cat so much to travel various dungeons to search for it .
Translation is a bit odd maybe due to developer-san's language is not english (it is acceptable in my opinion as long as the message you convey in understood)
Value - as usual, for the biased gamer who is me. Offline playable games are fine. The game will also let you collect game as you idle along a day until you open it so yes this is always high.
Hmmm feels like the game Magic Survival, but now it's chara vs zombies.
The game is a survival as long as you can type.
You level up and get to pick 3 skills and last longer as the enemy gets tougher.
If it's a game to keep you occupied, this might be a good choice... although i am kinda biased on offline possible games as long as it keeps you busy why not.
I do hope the game has some kind of weapon, character and enemy dictionaries of sort.
Try this if you're free, who knows it might be a good catch.
The game is pretty much a survival hack and slash type, you control the avatar's class (various class to unlock and pick).
- so mainly there's avatars to unlock
- classes to unlock and master
- research skills to help you survive
- and unveiling various magic fusions (aka your attacks)
the goal is to survive as long as possible, revival in-game is possible by 1 skill once, and if you play online (should still be once as well).
It's possible to play it offline and of course beat your own personal records on the maps available.
for each map a certain time of survival is needed to unlock another area. for now there's at least 5 of em
hopefully there's updates to increase avatars, classes, artifacts, fusions and maps. you gotta try this if you wanna challenge yourself
btw, it's possible to switch it to English language in options.
The game seems familiar...
Graphics - it is good
Sounds - it's good too
Gameplay - the HP/MP/TP system is ok balances the game i guess.
Storyline - i can't read 100% Japanese but I'm willing to endure it (feels like my FFIV JP run ages ago, trial and error mode... let's go !
• level up system is controlled too, you get to pick who to level up and when xD but you have to farm the experience by battling multiple times
Value - as usual anything playable offline is 5* for me, saves me from using mobile data or when WiFi isn't available.
Overall i find the game exciting, hope i can progress forward more in the game.
Oh it feels a lot like Lufia series i think... :D
Try it and experience it xD
graphics - it's good, funny and cute designs
sounds - okayish, there's no problem in my opinion
gameplay - fairly easy, turn based and equipment variable attack options
storyline - odd for heroes to be in vacation without replacement really, but it's beta at the moment, maybe it'll change a bit but the plot is ok in my opinion
value - as long as it's offline playable (which it is) instant 5 star for me. value wise i keep offline playable High 4*-5* anyday.
Oh by the way, keep an eye on the Turn Count xD
I missed it on Boss Area stage and got defeated due to turn limit xD
graphic - it's fairly ok
sounds - no problem too
gameplay - i like the gameplay, you get to forge weapons from materials you farm in the field or from monsters and combine them
storywise - i couldn't raise it more at the moment, since, i can't grasp the whole script yet
value - great! this game is ok, i can also play it offline so i would recommend for those who can read and play JP games.
it's a fun way to forge a sword that looks like a real one, i mainly forge like weird sword like thingies at the moment.. it's enjoyable in a sense..!
graphics - it feels like dungeon dice in dragon quest series (it feels to be the inspiration for this game).
sounds - sounds ok to me, no problems there.
gameplay - you roll the dice to move around the tiles, most of the starting stats are low, but as you progress you can get power ups. max dice rolls, battle power, life they'll all improve, you just need gold for the dice power.
storyline - the plot seems odd for a king to turn his kingdom into a board game-esque setting and getting you the (lazy) hero to reclaim the stolen treasures that are randomly scattered over the land.
value - since the game is playable offline it's maxed out for me always, well if it's for passing time, this is a fun way i guess.
Hmmm game is simple
Wait for ducks to lay egg... pick a duck to keep, hatch more mutated ducks. There a hole to dispose of unwanted ducks too.
Graphics - seems ok, it's ducks what you expect xD
Sounds - ok as well, you only hear quacking so it's a given.
Gameplay - simple you wait until the egg incubates before you can hatch it, the rarer the egg (longer it takes i guess?)
Storyline - story is 1000% simple raise ducks
Value - since you'll want it for passing time, it'll work out, offline playable too so instant 5.
Well for gamedevs, i think putting in a register for duck mutation is a must?Iit'll feel like a collection game with that.
well I'm just starting right now...
gameplay wise it seems ok, easy to follow the ingame instructions and it's playable OFFLINE.
i think I'll have to progress a bit more and see what more i can find.
Graphics - not so bad but it's zombies so it's a given.
Sounds - enjoyable, i just didn't know zombies scream.
Gameplay - see above.
Storyline - i dunno i never tried being a mad scientist before but let's give it a go.
Value - Offline playable games is a definite 5 Value for me.
Gameplay is ok , auto battle and you can set them up manually too in detail.
Simple and easy to play.
Offline = Great
Just setup the battle in a stage your party survives and fire away. It's just grindy (which is ok for me)
Just the storyline is missing i guess. But it's ok for me.
Your English is fine as well, game development team, don't worry. As long the message is conveyed, a little bit of a typo can be corrected.
Is ok to play GBF with. Problem is I still see some more of the in-game lag happening now and then... probably my local connection but I'm still checking.
Hmmmm I'm still trying this out... Seems ok for me.
Graphics - simple and familiar
Sounds - is ok
Gameplay - easy to play
Story - haven't progressed a lot so have to go thru the game more
Value - offline option! yes this is what i want, to be able to play RPG endlessly anytime with or without online option.
Hhmmm earning gold is the hardest part in my opinion.
Game play wise it's simple and straightforward nice work game devs.
The enemies sprites are vaguely familiar so it's fun in its own way, grinding is my forte.
Story is kinda straight as per my gameplay in these past 3 days, i just dunno if there's a recommended level cap per new area ^-^;
Value wise I'd say 5 stars because it can be played offline, it's rare to find games that i can play even offline nowadays.
Please do your best game devs. o/
Ruuta Quest
3.6hmmm I'm still testing out the game.
The story plot is kinda odd for a Cat (main character) to save a paradise for cats vs the invading rats/mice that threaten the world (more on this later on when progress continues)
This is an auto dungeon trekking then you'll just check how the dungeon dive worked for you.
There's an equipment system for status improvement like:
Arm/weapon? - literally claws
and 2 extra slots
I am thinking maybe as you progress longer the dungeon gets deeper, the first one is 5 floors while the next is 6 floors.
Art style is kinda odd for me since yeah it looks like it was drawn by kids? (but i am also wondering it is tailored for kids highly plausible since the story doesn't really involve much violence)
Playable even when offline (important for me), yeah offline playables are the best for passing the time so that's why the value is 5 stars. (I always do it for offline playables even if I can't really read everything that isn't english).
To game devs: please continue to make good games that has english language options, even if it looks like that translation is bad. We the players getting the idea should be able to understand. Good luck on future projects and more power.