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Casual gamer with a passion for anime-style games. Twitter & Youtube @lloyd_dunamis
Lloyd Dunamis 1476704 Game Hunter

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Casual gamer with a passion for anime-style games. Twitter & Youtube @lloyd_dunamis
Game Comments (53) More

Initial play thoughts: Is this how playing those arcade Pachislot games feel? All the automated action + auto countdowned events make the game feel like someone's behind waiting for their turn, and invokes the feeling to rush. And most of the RNG presented like similar though not exactly the same rolling as slots put that feeling further, with nested bonus chances making some things feel alot special in a weird way...

The graphics are highly inconsistent and unoptimized as well as not giving an elaborate graphics option to set (just simple, low, med, high presets). The screenshot look alot better at 1080p resolutions VS higher resolution like 1440p. High preset runs so slow for my Note20U for a relatively simple graphics VS games these days with larger apparent environments than this game shows.

Story? I don't get the deal for the IP-relevant story yet (non-voiced & read-only), but there is indeed an original story with an isekai'd you along with other original characters. I've no issues with originals, but I feel they could've fleshed out the IP-related ones more, considering it's the major pull for this game anyway.

Music and sound is somehow well rounded at least. I noticed it hasn't trigger my bad looping BGM detector yet.

I have no say on value atm since I don't plan on purchasing, but the value of time & resources + general QoL feel very low.

...No, me getting Roxy in my first multiroll doesn't coerce me in raising it's rating.

Usagi Shima


comfiest of buns.
runs at 60 buns per second, very lightweight.
easy to come back to: game relaunches at a snap; no title nor intro screens, just straight to your comfy offline bun-siness. online refers only to ads & Google Play backup.
ads are non-intrusive & on-demand only; no fullscreen surprises.
has day & night bgms; doesn't loop as well as I liked but it's alright.
supports horizontal & vertical orientation, floats & splitscreens decently for multi-apping.
soft-roundness stylistic non-capitalized text makes for smol cozy reading aesthetics.
credits every asset used even when not required. chad dev.
thank you.

"Oohh, do I finally get to rent them as a girl yourself?"
> Too bad. You're Kazuya.
"HOLY F--"

Coming in on the wake of the game announcing its plan to shutdown, KanoPazu (as in KanojoPuzzle) sizes up to ~1.17GB and adds a little more as it downloads cutscenes on demand. Game is actually quite OK knowing how infamously lowly regarded its source is.

Sound: is the very next best thing I noticed following its already cute illustrations & OK graphics. BGMs are surprisingly banger and lifts spirits up! I wish we can credit the composers. No issues with awkward loops nor stops here, so this one's well refined.
=Has volume sliders (BGM SE Voice), voiced

Graphics: Their 3D cel-shaded models are pretty standard fare on the cute, with some noticeable blemishes (clipping) but not too horrid. GUI's easy to navigate, no complaints. No touch reactions though.
Gameplay: No complaints, it's actually fun (minus the need to grind on event stories).
Storyline: 'Am unfamiliar with the majority of the novel/anime, so can't tell from here. It's a nice little outlet for original content event stories away from its canon tho.
Value: Can't say much for paid ones, but holy heck is it expensive to roll for, with not much to grind for.

They say AllStars, but there's no perma banner for the collab IPs. That said, so they rented the other girls to be rented...

Rum's Spring & Dungeon


...I don't know. I want to enjoy the game, but...I just can't.
This wouldn't have that much traction if not for the prominent artworks done, I think.
I'm not gonna judge the story.
Graphics[4] Sound[4] Gameplay[2] Story[-] Value[2]

Nnnn, there was alot of problems here and there...or I guess QoLs needed. For those I rember the most as the worst offender (seems trivial but is rather critical at some point):
-claim-all button
-optimize equipment button (equips highest-stat/graded gear)

For an incremental/idle game, it requires too much of your time & attention, and for not much gain/progression.
Consensual ads, but there's too much of it, ads tend to be long, and it doesn't even play when unfocused on multi window setups.

Priconne!R is a good baseline for all features, graphical stuff & UI, all things considered. You can prolly start studying there.

Alchemy Stars | Global


Sorry, let me just gush out for this one.
I am...sooo invested in its lore & character interactions that even the littlest of interactions happen just makes me giggle! I've empathized with Navigator so much; it only helps that Vice is such a precious treasure to be with!
I wish Navigator was at least ambiguously gendered...

Music[4] it passes good melody music; very well done~.
BGM Loop, not so much; several BGMs, if not all, do not even loop well.
Audio quality: somewhat terrible, and is encoded at Monaural instead of Stereo! This is an insult to BGM composers. I don't know why they won't do justice for its great OST...
Music Player: Neatly categorized to
I could've given it 5, but all these little pet peeves of mine add up, and thus just 4.

The rest...well, others may have said it better than me already, and I wrote this just to gush out for now, as it takes quite the time for me to write elaborate things.
Graphics[4] Gameplay[4] Story[5] Value[3]

Ice Arena


False-sense PvP: This game works completely w/o internet, so it's only "Random NPC Guys". I guess it's fine for that bit.

This small simple-graphics game runs at, Iunno, 20fps? And it gets graphical stutters still? Gee.
Nothing much to see here, really, unless you just want no-guilt falling fun.

The cute penguin just got me. :v



Oh cute, smooth-moving pixels! xD
It's OK, it feels kinda slow progression in-general for me.
'Runs smoothly and at 60fps, navigation is eh fine.
Non-existent story; you make your own across the vast lands~
Requires internet upon startup; the rest of the time it can be played completely offline.
Consensual ads for some benefits, though shows full-screen <10s ads after a battle sometimes.

Ooh man... This one, is quite the little gem!
Currently playing via MuMu since 2021-0829, and have been enjoying it! (minus the fact I can't most of the story)

Highlights: Cute artworks, chibi + Live2D interaction + no chara rarities; nicely themed GUI, rather easy dailies; and of course the music! (looped track example: )

Gameplay 5: No character "rarities"! (aside from the fact you need to unlock the others via Gacha though) The 5 or so characters you'll be able to party up for free can be handled nicely as they have two different elements(?) of skillsets, so each chara can take either of the 2 roles her skills allows them to. It's all up to the player's style which skill you'd want to use with them.
For chara improvement though, the game's quite grindy. For scale: at Puppeteer (aka You) Lv47, I can barely level the 5 I'm mainly using atm (47 45 45 42 40).
No gear, just equip up to 3 "cards" (with a leveling & star-upping stats of their own) to significantly boost their stats + added effect on higher cards.
Dailies are thankfully on the faster side; It really only becomes a drag on the chara shards dungeon .
>Check: PuppeteerLv = chara max Lv. Skippable story & "farming" quests, though x1 x1.5 x2.0 animation speeds available.

Graphics 5: Why do I have to press the "patting hand" button to give them pats though; you're operating on a touch screen (mouse in my case), give us the power to manually pat them!
Anyway, not sure what else to say, really. Cute chibis~. Nothing to complain about it here, really.
>Check: Good quality Live2D (to scale, Girl Cafe Gun or VTuber-esque movements are top-tier Live2D for me);

Sound 5: Please wear headphones when you listen to the game! It's not a fully-voiced game though, and some dialogues could sound quite repetitive (e.g. when going deeper on the the affection screen menu & such); but at least give appreciation to the main lobby/maze/dungeon/battle tracks! Some event BGMs are a miss (particularly "derpy moments"), buuut 'can't have them all. (Yes, sound effects are also amusingly but not annoyingly quickened when you're under 1.5/2.0 speeds)
>Check: JP voices, BGM/SE/Voice sliders.

Story 5: *can't read*. However, what sells me is that that each character have their own PVs, and there are alot of chara-centric events to unlock! (which, aside from the affection stuff, also needs to be farmed for)

Value 3: It's a gacha game; whatever rates they offer you, you're bound to have a tough luck or a winning draw. Don't worry, the gems and the draw tickets are easy to come by.
I couldn't look for anything.

Should you wish to try it in its current CN-only language and you can't read 'em, ready your translation app. Advancing through some stages will require you solving some things that might not be too obvious just visually. This is not a Labyrinth Exploration RPG for nothing!

Honey×Blade 2


Hmm? Is this also HoneyxBlade (1) from DMM/18? I've tried that browser-based game for a bit, and its intro is exactly like this mobile one. But they wrote "2" in it. Odd... I'd wager it doesn't have that much difference from its DMM browser counterpart.
Not motivated to write a full review, not to mention play it beyond semi-daily login.

Rating: All-3 score, but consider that I've not paid much time for it as it didn't catch my interest as much.

Battles (the Blade part I guess, even though I see no blades; only energy ball shots) are the pretty typical turn-based in waves, with high-resolution PS1 chibi graphics. Issuing of commands is quick: normal attacks, just tap on mob; skills, tap on avalable skill, then aim(tap) at whoever applicable.
>Check: Speed x2 available at Rank(PlayerLV)4, AutoBattle/Skill at Rank8; No skips.

Gameplay: Dailies involve just consuming enough stamina. Considering autoplay and noskip, that'll take a bit while though thankfully can be left idle/set aside for other things.

Value (of money and time): Eeehh... "units" or rather clothes are not automatically combined to its own duplicate, although the outfit for each chara. Worse, "storage" is grossly limited (expandable via gems), so you'll be required to "fuse" manually. And the fusing process isn't exactly fun to navigate with.
Gacha is meh, though they do give you daily free gacha in the recent events, if you like chancing on that.

...Oh yeah, the most important(?) one.
Graphics: Eh, I guess it's fine. They're at least cute in the usual anime way; motion is average. There's a mode where you're free to pose them as you see fit, unlocked on attachment level I think; free camera angling. No touch reactions during the time, though you get that on...affection sessions anyway. The menus are still cumbersome to navigate, like "Stop hiding so soon!" and perhaps too high movement sensitivity.

Story: looks cliche-y atm, though I couldn't take them as seriously as well. (You're prolly not meant to)

I'm not sure why, but the moment I tap on the game to launch it, it's already in the Title Screen and ready to be "Tap to Start".

Initial Review
First off, why am I hearing Azur Lane's confirmation sound effect on some situations like server selection?...
Very noticeable jpeg artifacts in everyone's pictures: animated portraits, icons, even the title logo!

Gameplay sadly reminds me of the low-quality Chinese mobile/browser MMORPGs where your power level is something to brag others about, which no-one cares about. It has auto-bot features, you can let the game play itself. GUI is also ridden with lots of unnecessary things. So much for an Ys title for mobile...

The story? might have something supplemental for Ys VI, though it could be hard to access while tolerating the rest. Semi-full voiced, and you get to make & move a character of your own! (Adol speaks alot!? Who are you, and what have you done to the real Adol! /jk)
The characters are actually cute, and at least doesn't suffer from the bad jpeg portraits. Chara Animations are so-so.

I don't know... I can't recommend it outside of maybe watching others play through it for the story; can't in such a state, or at all if it'll ever change since the problem lies in its core...

Idle Princess | Japanese


IsePapa, or "Transported to Another World & became A Dad but". I swear QooApp chose to put just the subtitle to make this sound more..."acceptable".
Is there more to this Idle RPG than just kiddie cuteness & what the title implies? Yeah, actually. The interface & functions will be rather foreign to those looking to "level up", so it will require some time to getting used to. And besides, not everyone in here has to call you "Papa". ~~or do they~~

Note: Statements are neutral unless opinionatedly specified. It's up to the reader should they see the stated game element as a positive for the game or not.

Graphics 4
Holy geez. Considering the game's theme, how can this game be so controversial yet so brave...supplying damaged state artwork & all. You can make all the illustrations (not just the defeated ones) just a silhouette by tapping three fingers. Whatever is it for, I wonder~. Alternatively, the defeated illustration can be turned off anyway, which also speeds up battles that display their damaged artwork.
No doubt most of the artworks are automatically adorable. The chibi sprites, although cute, seem so hyper in movement, you'd think you accidentally switched them to x2 speed or something...but no, it's their default speed. Think kids moving around with chipmunk voices. xD
The most-used buttons for auto-equipment/-enhancement were...made very small, making it a little difficult to tap on w/o missing. When enhancing them, they list out what were upgraded instead of make a visual feedback to each enhanced gear; as if you can read all the log-like center text quick enough to see what all the changes were. Bad design choices, IMO. Those aside, the interface feels fast & responsive enough to move around with.
>Check: 30fps default, entirely no graphic options. List of artists & seiyuu for corresponding chara readily available. Game screen adapts to square or landscape resolution quite well, for multi-tasking.

Gameplay 4
The battles displayed are pre-determined; no control over it, not even skills. They're team-turn-based, alternating ally-enemy attacks from top to bottom in a turn. Position actually affects the range whom they can & will attack first. And yet they don't give you a skip function for the most part, or is behind a VIP wall.
Save for your little girl, there seems to be no leveling system for your characters; everything will be based on their equipment, and there's alooot of equipment each character can wear + little more things in the equipment for your min-maxing needs. Having to deal with equipment alot, probably the most offending limitation is the existence of capacity for your unworn equipment; be sure to set your preferred auto-sell equipment rank (オートプレイ設定), or better yet invest some gems to expand it. Considering how much equipment inheritance from one chara to the next, they oughtta give an all- or select-member equipment optimize button...perhaps in a nearby QoL update.
Entries/Attempts are used when failed (there isn't an exit button anyway).
No way to set someone as "favorite" to override the sorting, though if sorted by power the most-used character will be at the top anyway. Nevertheless, parties are a breeze to set up, and each section has its own parties saved. No way to save experimental parties after battle though.
Account: Login via Google Play Games/AppleID or Facebook. Can link multiple devices; only one active device at a time.
>Check: Screen transitions from place to place is next to non-existent, save for the bit of response delay for loading (not ping-based). No "Claim All" button for missions & achievements; thankfully, there isn't much to retrieve, and the process to retrieve rewards responds fast (may be ping-based). Chat is always available at the bottom of the screen; doesn't pause the game when accessed. It's non-intrusive considering the length of phones these days, but it could be prone to accidental taps to on-screen buttons. Offline idle reward capacity: 12hrs.

Sound 4
They say fully voiced, but the only fully voiced parts are stories involving your little girl, and bond stories. You can name your little girl, but voicelines will still mention her default name. As usual, you're a voiceless self-insert dad.
Voice volumes are imbalanced/not normalized for a few girls.
Something interesting's happening with its BGMs: Rather than restart to its beginning, each section pauses its current progress when you move someplace else, then resume when you return; Yes, each section.
>Check: Granular Volume Sliders, BGM SE Voice. Awfully noticeable audio delay: 250~400ms. A new voice playing will cut the previous chara's voice; voices will not overlap; so you're unlikely to hear the full line. There isn't a voice test as far as I can tell...

Value 3
They mentioned we can "freely" Class change, but it actually requires one-time fee of 300 gems and once attained a certain level. I suppose after that, only then we can "freely" class change.
Two shops in one screen's interface: チャージ(charge), and the one without. You can't just say "shop", you must indicate which.
Strictly charge-only VIP system, that do get in the way of convenience; like what seems to be a retrieve-all and assign-all in お手伝い(otetsudai/give help).
Gacha: Has the Pick-up and normal category, though no "Friend Pts" gacha. Both categories require the same summon# (100 & 200) for its pity system, but have different rewards. Pick-up(100: SSR~UR ticket, 200: 10 shards of pick-up character enough for unlocking), expires upon end of pick-up date; Common(100: 600 Creation Shards, 200: UR Ticket), doesn't expire. See here how much shards and character shards you need in the future:
If you have a favorite character, be it for function or for affection, that isn't Orlaya「オルレア」, I think it's advisable to focus investment on one or a few characters; you'll definitely need all the little items you get for her progress.

Story 4 (technical&presentation, not lore)
I don't know what else to tell you... Papa automatically implies you're male in-game, ain't it...
"Campaign" progress is separate from stories like Priconne; this lets you focus on progress, then read/listen to stories later on your pace.
Why is the Archer the only one to be kemomimi...
Back button during a cutscene would return you immediately to the previous menu; no prompts, and is different from a Skip.
Scenes continue to autoplay when you go to the log w/o turning off Auto. The Autoplay's duration is quite inconsistent with the dialogue lengths; more often than not, it would just pause for a good 5 seconds.
No, it's not Live2D, otherwise it should've had the Live2D logo in its cover page. The characters redo their emote transition on each animation loop; it looks silly. Moreover, their expressions do not fit their voicelines half the times. I couldn't tell if they're being sarcastic or what o_o;;...
Home voicelines seem to trigger in a loop instead of contextual; they'd tell me there's mail or a Help/お手伝い has finished...but there isn't.

OK that's been very long now, geez. It's a fine game, IMO. Again, this being an Idle RPG, you're meant to do stuff in it in short bursts; do not take too much time on it, unless you're just appreciating things.
For further starter information, it's always a good idea to check a game's wiki, in particular this one for this game: (Google Translateable)

Is now the inferior version thanks to Akashic Chronicle's release, though gameplay mostly remains the same; JP version just has "jumpstart" benefits.

Gameplay 4
Loading: Very quick, with occasional transition hangs. It *has* to be quick, otherwise it's not an efficient idle RPG.
Auto: Auto-skill and x2 battle. No skip, but what would you need skips for, this is an Idle RPG :v.
Account: Linking Google Play Games and Facebook. Can link multiple devices; only one active device at a time.
GameResources: Downloads resources on-demand, though it auto-downloads all the resources in the background at low speed; pausable.
>Check: Has world chat; hideable & offable; doesn't show other players's summon bragging outside the chat (also offable in chat!). Inconsistent claim-all; not available for quest/mission completion, but it is for like mail retrieval. You *will* move into the achievements window alot, so that's a bummer.

Graphics 4
The interface in-general is easy to understand and move around with, not to mention fast transitions.
Skill cut-ins actually look & feel seamless, it's great~...but you'll likely have it turned off anyway.
They let us view the portraits & sprites (minus voicelines) of all available characters in their gallery. Sprites are a mixed bag in cuteness and fluidiy in movement; pretty standard.
>Check: Settable 30-60fps; hi-lo resolution.

Sound 3
The battle BGM's theme don't even match any serious-y battlefield ever :v. Aside from that, the BGMs are fine for its theme;
Several voices are just so bored & boring.
>Check: Volume slider for Music & SFX; Voice and SFX not separated. A new voice playing will cut the previous chara's voice; voices will not overlap.

Story 3
Eh, they just put some basic dialogues in it. Anything story seems to stop upon Chp3, like the JP ver.

Value 3
Gacha: Free roll every 48hrs. No in-game 1st-time reroll; Risemara inapplicable. After the 40th roll, you're able to select "Wishlist", up to 5 heroes for each type; perhaps a higher chance for them if they're the attained rarity and type. Anything else beyond the free summons feels expensive to pay/use jewels for, even though there's alot of first-time rewards (note: 1st-gameday comment). Pity? On every 100th roll, there's a guaranteed random 5* SSR. You can make 3* Rs into 5* though.
I don't get why they have 2*s and lower be in the gacha pool when they're all gonna be... *ahem* "dismantled" anyway.
>Check: VIP system; VIP levels you can attain w/o cashing in and is actually not as intrusive as other VIPS I've seen. Manually trigger ads to get 20 jewels.

This is...actually fine for an idle RPG. I'm staying in the JP version though.

That's it, they finally went full weeb on this one. This is THE superior version over the global! xD
I've honestly wanted to try ML:A because of them going anime-style on their Adventure/RPG version over their MoBA artstyle. This is definitely my big chance for it!

Note: Statements are neutral unless opinionatedly specified. It's up to the reader should they see the stated game element as a positive for the game or not.

Difference from the global ML:A, that I can see:
Expanded and different story from the original, complete with much more visual novel-like interactions and cutscenes; to the point they self-insert you into the story as well! 'Gives you occasional, non-bearing dialogue choices.
Fully-voiced story/VN section! (minus narrator) Several more instances of voicelines, like winning MVP, have been added. Like I said, full anime weeb. :v
Select characters receive refreshed \Ѐprites, portraits, and even skill cut-ins. For instance, Layla has very different skill cut-in, even though they end up shooting their cannon in the end. I would say "those involved in the main story gets the refresh," but poor Balmond -the comic relief in Bang Bang's amusement ads- didn't even get that treatment. Isn't it sad, Balmond?
No country flag (everyone Japanese :v no, it's fine). Why is the server time still set in PST though; JP people now gonna feel the refresh time of playing a PST-located game. xD

Gameplay 4
Despite being an Idle RPG, the game does give you more things to do in the form of mini-games, daily dungeons or Guild Bosses outside of the main progression. I dunno, there's not much to say.
Loading: Very quick, with occasional transition hangs. IT *has* to be quick, otherwise it's not an efficient idle RPG.
Auto: Auto-skill and x2 battle. No skip, but what would you need it for, this is an Idle RPG :v.
Account: TransferCode via AccountID and customizable password; doesn't expire. Supports Google Play Games and Facebook. Can link multiple devices; only one active device at a time.
GameResources: Downloads resources on-demand, though it auto-downloads all the resources in the background at low speed; pausable.
>Check: Has world chat; hideable & offable; doesn't show other players's summon bragging outside the chat (also offable in chat!). Inconsistent claim-all; not available for quest/mission completion, but it is for like mail retrieval. You *will* move into the achievements window alot, so that's a bummer.

Graphics 4
The interface in-general is easy to understand and move around with, not to mention fast transitions.
Skill cut-ins actually look & feel seamless, it's great~...but you'll likely have it turned off anyway.
They let us view the portraits & sprites (minus voicelines) of all available characters in their gallery. Sprites are a mixed bag in cuteness and fluidiy in movement; pretty standard.
>Check: Settable 30-60fps; hi-lo resolution.

Sound 4
The battle BGM's theme don't even match any serious-y battlefield ever :v. Aside from that, the BGMs are fine for its theme; some I'm liking to an extent I'm thinking of an extension for it. I'd label it "chibi synthetic orchestral" music or something.
Only the story dialogues have been fully voiced; the rest of the game's parts like tutorials and function intros remain silent.
A shame they don't have a dedicated voice volume slider; I'm sure that's where they allocated the majority of their budget to make this JP version, or even pull all these seiyuus into this with much more voicelines than EN.
>Check: Volume slider for Music & SFX; Voice and SFX not separated. A new voice playing will cut the previous chara's voice; voices will not overlap.

Story 4
Some sequences seem to be similar with EN, so I thought it's more an expanded story, with implementation of your self-insert. All the story seems to stop upon reaching Chapter 3 though.
>Check: No auto-play & log for the story dialogues. No replay for past stories...that or I haven't gotten far enough to unlock the function?

Value 3
Gacha: Free roll every 48hrs. No in-game 1st-time reroll; Risemara is Global. Here in JP, they give away at least 50 summon tickets thanks to the pre-registration rewards. After the 40th roll, you're able to select "Wishlist", up to 5 heroes for each type; perhaps a higher chance for them if they're the attained rarity and type. Anything else beyond the free summons feels expensive to pay/use jewels for, even though there's alot of first-time rewards (note: 1st-gameday comment). Pity? On every 100th roll, there's a guaranteed random 5* SSR. You can make 3* Rs into 5* though.
I don't get why they have 2*s and lower be in the gacha pool when they're all gonna be... *ahem* "dismantled" anyway; that docks an entire star for value.
>Check: VIP system; VIP levels you can attain w/o cashing in and is actually not as intrusive as other VIPS I've seen. No option for manually-triggered ads to get 20 jewels, unlike in Global; replacement for such function unknown, but they've been very generous for their beginning.

This is...actually fine? xD I can probably give it much less visit frequency than other non-idle mobage, w/o having to worry about "progress" since it'll help you in your progression the more you let it idle. One thing's for sure, it's meant to be played in short fillers/bursts; you don't have to spend too much time & attention on it.

Animae Arche | Japanese


Any stuff that sounds future-ish here were based on my CN gameplay. JP would likely have good adjustments for it, hopefully.
Is also intended for people checking for some particular supposedly-standard features in games.

The characters' portraits and chibis are definitely adorable, although some have like unnecessary, unappealing..."showcases" of the low-rarity fellows. But congratulations, JP could be the superior version: some were apparently uncensored from their CN portraits. (found 2 so far)
Graphic options: Very High|High|Med|Low ; levels of applying AntiAliasing, general 3D texture resolution, and game display resolution.
>Check: 30fps (though the likes of MuMu emulator supports boosting its CN ver to 60, and I really wish they had it in-game!)

Not much quality control for voices, though most story lines have sounded fairly nice. In battle, the voices suffer from overlapping each other too much, especially those who have long lines (your loyal little cat shikigami's guilty of this). In addition, volumes are not equalized (or no volume compression) across all the characters; some characters may sound quieter, others oddly louder when not even shouting. I recommend setting the BGM lower by like 30~40 than Voice so you can hear them if they mutter, although loud voices might be a little louder then..
BGM: I initially didn't like them as much, but perhaps I've grown to like them after dailying. Japanese oriental music match the theme well, at least. The BGMs (except for Gacha BGM) loop seamlessly. I'll definitely loop the home and the stage BGMs in YT sometime.
SE: The game lacks a few sound effects here and there, but they've been responsive for the most part.
>Check: Semi-fully voiced (Yes for battles, skits, home; event dialogues are unvoiced, at least in CN ver); Volume Slider, very granular for BGM SE CharaVoice; Noticeable sound delay, around 100~150ms.

Couldn't make up much because I'm not fluent with JP, but it's been intriguing from what little I can make out.
Let me mention here then, that you can customize your team's choreography and make a set of chibi dance of your own? +w+ It's a very neat feature! I wish I can appreciate it more.
Skits/Cutscenes: Has autoplay, though the dialogue advances w/o pause in-between dialogues; once the speech ends it immediately plays the next one. No: text log, summary, custom autoplay speed. There's a gallery to replay past stories, and check other index stuffs.

Ample amount of jewels, or "Magatama"s, given to you for free and along your progress, but this is me who likes accumulating them instead of using them all in impulse. YMMV.
Has that "Battle/Season Pass" event thing as an event filler, where you pay cash to get the next tier of rewards...
Gacha: Needs 10-summon to guarantee at least R, singles not mentioned if it'll count; rising SSR rate after 40 non-SSRs, spark at 150. Gacha chance in-general is...spotty; lucky today, unlucky another day. Nothing new, really.
Sadly, extra dupes of blue(R) rarities do not hold much value to "sell" for; R's don't give you that pity jewel to accumulate & purchase an already-summoned shikigami of your choice.

Healers can be MVPs!! This is important detail!
It is not "farming-heavy" ala Priconne & Priconne-inspired games; most of the "grind" will come from dailies and rank-up things. Chara strength progression relies only on level-up item and one upgrade item; rank-up thing just differentiated with their element or something. Overall collection of these fodder items will definitely rely on dailies.
Same goes for gears: anyone can equip anyone's equipment. Straightforward to improve. just use the enhancing materials; and disassembling them would net you back the same amount of enhancing materials you used for it.
Team turn-based (one action for each chara per turn) autobattle, with option to manually slip skills in-between attacks.
Due to the team positional formation & how their skill gauges fill, sometimes you'd like to have your main healer in front, to get her to activate heal more often. ("Nonono", the best healer IMO [色色], given for free, whaaat)
Stamina: More than enough for dailies, considering the acquirable bonus on noontime and 6PM JST login. It's a good idea to play the game during the nighttime bonus. Stamina/Attempts are not used if you fail.
EXP: Aside from obtaining from runs, most EXP will be obtained by using EXP scrolls. Instead of CN's time-gated "training" via the dojo, we can use the scrolls to level characters instantly; dojo-obtained EXP is additional EXP! Player's level nor chara's evolution(or dupe-fusing) won't limit chara's level, and chara max is 100.
Auto: In-stage, you can autoplay their map wandering and battles; Once 3-starred, can specify how many loops to do stages. No sweeps or skips here though. Skill animations skippable by a tap, or setting in the Options to auto-skip it.
Account: TransferCode via PlayerID with "manual auto-generated" password, no expiry date; Once used, has to generate a password again. Supports Twitter & Google Play. Can link multiple devices; only one active device at a time.
>Check: Large 2.8GB initial resource download upon start, then optional +200MB-ish full-resource download in-game. Has unhideable but unintrusive global chat at home; accessible chat during battle.

I lost my CN account due to the recent update and MuMu acct. expiring my login. I guess I'll be here to play it again since it has some different promotions & other new characters immediately or something.

Touhou LostWord | Global


Gameplay: ...Pardon. Call me silly, but I couldn't get into its team-turn-based "shmup RPG". I'll let others do the gameplay talk.
Account: Non-expiring Transfer Code (ID + auto-generated password), compatible with Facebook.
Load: Screen transition/loading is slow and maybe too reliant on the internet latency.

Standard-fare great Touhou artworks~
Can't say the same for the UI, but it's workable. The sprites are cute enough, and offers OK animation.
>Check: 30fps; no graphical options (doesn't need it?); lacks any customizable QoL adjustments atm; download resource on-demand (no all-resource download); no "global chat" or 5-star-summon boasting feature (why do I have to mention that these days...)

For a music-focused series, I'm disappointed to hear that some of the BGMs aren't even looping seamlessly, even when they're clearly meant to. They got the pausing of current battle BGM time when doing Spellcard BGMs right though, at least. As usual, it's a mixed bag for the OST.
I'm fine with fade-outs, but not for fade-ins. Let BGMs play at non-altered volume at the start; Some music loses their iniitial impact and intended mood setter due to that. Atm, they're not doing the artists of these tracks that part of the justice.
Voice: V...Voice choices for most (if not all) characters depending on how you want them to sound!? Man, the seiyuus went all out on this. I can imagine several of them being a fan of Touhou and wanting to voice out several characters; and this was one of their opportunities to make that come true! I wish to give this a 3, but just having 3 voices to choose from for everyone
>Check: Very granular Volume Sliders, BGM SE Voice; Selection to turn on-off voice; Volume attenuation when someone talks.

It's...simple? The conversation flow feels nice to read at least. An "outsider" could easily get lost to what's happening behind their words, but I think it's fine so far.
Skit: Change of emotion resets their 'flow' animation. Perhaps it's a style. They use static portraits with expression changes, though they at least make ample use of chara & camera movements.
>Check: Player name is different from Character name, both changeable anytime (everyone's Gensokyan dream to be that little girl comes true!)

Gacha: Neither 1-prayer nor 10-prayer guarantees a Friend(character/unit); only using a 10-draw God Grystals guarantees a Friend. Featured Friend exchangeable(sparkable) at 150 draws. Can't really say atm.

...While I appreciate the detail done for the sprites, its QoL on the aesthetics actually look low-grade for my standards.
>Repeated character dialogue when you "go back" to the previous menu, even when that representing character is not around; gets annoying fast. *(Sorry, Roxy and Sylphiette, nothing against you!)*
>Not-really-Live2D-ish portraits move uhh...clunkily? When transitioning to a certain pose, they move back to their default pose, and *then* move to their intended pose for that dialogue. Average. *(Below-average would be portraits not even moving nor at least an expression)*
>Paid-gems-only rate-ups. See that as you will.
>Multiple kinds of the same chara; differing in rarity, outfit variation, and element, thus splitting the leveling progress. Quite an invitation to grind, and that one chara getting dumped for better charas soon enough I'd imagine.
>Download-as-you-go. No "Download all resources” option, so game will load slow on all its first-time asset loadings, if you're ping-far away from their Japan servers. *(Philippines here, and yet loading/response times are quite slow)*
>Paused-turn-based battle, pretty standard fare, with option to activate skill. None to write home about.
>...Popping up that "If you liked the game, please review it!" when you get a 5* for the first time; and that could even be your 100th roll `lol`. (in my case, 3rd 10-roll)

Probably the only redeeming factor I can tell, aside from the characters and their illustrations, is the music. Gahd, the music's very great, that I can hear it in my head even away from the game! (I'll have them shared in my Youtubes)

I'll keep it around to get myself updated to the BGMs, but I'm not a keeper for the game

Eden's Door | Japanese


Since I've played more now, and got this game as one of my dailies, games Half-Anniversary Update review reform.

A budget Honkai-esque side-scroller action RPG that joins their ranks of the rest of the online-only 1 player game. It's similar to Honkai & other similar games in: character type/kind/weapon split into different characters hence split progression & shards; support cards as stat/effect extras, weapon upgrades, etc.

Little more 2D cel-shaded anime-y than how 3D some 3D anime games look, hence it goes well to my liking. There's a lot of graphic clipping issues though.
The interface is...a little out there, which is compounded by not much sound effects feedback playing upon each interaction; basically making it feel "not alive" as much.
>Check: 30-60fps. Customizable graphic settings: AA, bloom/lighting, game resolution. Non-FPS change requires game restart.

Music is...nothing to write home about, though the Home BGM has grown on me now.
The voices sound a little bored but is fine, coming from known seiyuus. (Yet again, Soulworker Haru/Kayano Ai aaaaaaaaa; except "Haru-chan" here is Nier:Automata 2B's/Ishikawa Yui)
They added a few more voice clips for (Elenna? no,) Ailanna, a cost of reducing most of her voice's volume?
Actually everyone had added voice clips, on normal attacks, Soul Gauge full, status ailment, menu visit, etc. Because of that though, voices overlap much more now, it's a little disconcerting.
>Check: Expression voices only in dialogues; Contextual home & menu voices. Volume Sliders: BGM SE Voice.

Most in-app purchases in games, not just here in Eden Door, is just 3-star in particular. I'll rate Value according to the worth of what you get in Gacha.
Gacha: Have I mentioned you can actually reroll when you don't like your introductory/tutorial roll? This is an underrated feature, and needs to be the standard for any&all Gacha game. Really, this avoids unnecessary unique-player-ID or number-of-players bloat; all the while giving players the satisfaction and a breather from the common Reset Marathon 「リセマラ」...although, there are only a limited choice of SR characters or SSR shards to roll for.
Character Sharts: You can only gain up to 3 shards of the character, from my experience. This includes the stage exclusive for obtaining character shards; so far, I've gotten only up to 3 shards per stage, and sometimes nothing, even for currently highest 5th level! Gradually rising requirements to up-star the character is fine, but the amount of shards you can get from Gacha and the character shards stage makes it too high and bogus to achieve maybe their 5 star.

For a side scroller, is fine; it could be a little clunky, but it feels fine for the most part. Offers Autoplay once stage's been basically cleared. Has stamina, though the free stamina refills feel enough for a daily-er like me.
Battle: Confirming like others, that getting hit「ヒット」 basically makes you unable to do anything else but Swap Character if available. This also what makes the asynchronous PvP quite bogus; However, there's too little players active, that it's pitting you against the near- or top-ranking players more often than not atm. (should you find me as Amanie, go against my low DEF team for higher pts/battle)
Stamina: Daily free received and natural regen is _more than enough_ for dailies; yes, even considering level-up stamina. Stamina/Attempts are not used when you retire or disconnect, except for Babel area (game tells you this with a prompt).
Level/Character progression feels _veeery slow and less impactful_ as resources would be relied on from dailies; and EdeTobi is not a fast game as Priconne. Stage EXP is basically non-existent; too reliant on EXP items.
Account: TransferCode via PlayerID & password of your choice, no expiry date. Supports Twitter & Google Play. Can link multiple devices; only one active device at a time.
>Check: Auto-play stage available after certain conditions; No skip, autoplay loop, nor sweep.

It's alright for a budget. If you're looking for more illustrations since you're prolly invited by the cute art, you can check their Twitter.

Great care was taken in the formation of this game, and it shows on everyone's visuals. It's just...really stunning and a delight to watch, not to mention nice to listen to!

Each of their motions are quite unique: body movement, expressions, not to mention use of the "stage space" and facing on skits! All-voiced, with everyone's character shining (or a choice not to voice them thanks to volume sliders and option to not download skit voices), with adaptive "mouth-talking" instead of constant "omomom".

Also possibly the highest-rated gacha chance, even considering the selection is a lot less than most "gacha collection games" or something. The game lets you concentrate on your dear horsegirls than what most other gacha games psychologically make you want to.

Bless your hearts & souls, people of Cygames, for finally being able to publish this game; and bless the horses.

Sister Splash!


Pretty average. No effort in the interface, that it looks like it may be just using the native generic Android GUI.

Story progression is gated by gradually-generated tickets and purchasing of a "Premium Choice" by gems that you either get from ad-viewing w/ 5-hour cooldown or in-app purchase. Common for this developer. If you're OK with that, then no problem here.
Story cannot be accurately rated due to this incompletion. I think it's got fine English though.

Requires internet before it can continue on:
> start of the app
> premium choice
> checkpoint choices

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