this is happen to be the best ever otome game I expreince
the opening to tell the player that you are role playing the charcter 100% so whatever what happen to the girl it was you and it always makes me feel its me there so I really happy to be there with them
i feel like being welcome from the begin OuO
so the part of self insert was working well in this game !! and even the scinario drag you into the game OuO I am very very very satesfie with everything so far
and the events are so dreamy and really feel secure with the character like I wanna drive along and fly with them whereever they go!
i cant describe about the beauty of the art and animation its over over pretty!!!
so its life completing I am in love with Tears of Themis game
when I feel sad I run into story and read and feel my self filled with happiness again
they are my comfort zone
thank you for this amazing game
my 2022 filled with love for myself
i cant complain to much maybe my device is not work well wih or its under developed:
- the loading screen before playing the game take 1 minutes to lunch the game O_O
- the pay system not allowed in my conutry I charge my mobile phone to play this game but my mobile charge not support to the game ( I will wait for major update so I can use it )
- which is the best device to work on it I have Samsong Note 10 and the note become too hot !!
and some feature too slow
The game only in Japanese Language from now if anyone good to translate I beleive the company is ready to listen to you and add the Eng sub ( they are friendly )
this comapny make amazing otome game I swear!!
before start playing just read the description and see if the girl fit on you or not
this one about you who be able to see demons inside people and you become exciortis to save them! if you dont like the idea there is still many games from same company would fit the description you need
so at the beging I really like the concept because I am one of these who can see and feel
the girl reacting make scene! i love her as me!! OoO
the story give you stright line make no other choice! so there is no way you say Its not my choice ( I like it!! )
there is no much romance in this game ( i like it ) its so serious and I feel really with them in adventure
the gems when you spend will make you see the path you need ! so its up yo you ! ( amazing )
i havent continue yet I will do edit to my comment soon I need to play boring lucky game and wait 4hr to watch ad to get free points and exchange it into gems Xd
the story with Filix (my) father is amazing I felt like I am on it and I really wanna know who he is now ! he is the big secret maybe he acts wired as me !! XD
everyone is nice! i feel like at home 🥰
Gabrile is nice person so protective and man of duty
Ariel still so mystryois I wanna know more about him
Brandon just a big kid XD
the story is amazing !! this story worth 190% so far!! it might increase if the Ending is amazing ! i cant wait to finish it
its intersting opening !
I had fun playing it in first play .. its fun really the story is good and the most important the role playing you ! there are many avaialble choices there 1 choice need gems so it will be the romantic one for me I dont need it I like being friendly with male only not more
well I wont tell what happen in story beacuse I couldnt continue in the end the story becomes so exciting and the stamina only 3 per a day I am not patient
you cant farm gems .. never this is less fun ..
i played this because I found the intro is intresting .. but after know they are all monster its kinda not intrest me
best role play game everrrr I love KH series and this one you helped sora gosh this game is so so dreamy I am dreamer who found myself have keyblade and get my expreinces to be A keyblade wilder
amazing rrality friendship from world
creating team union ! all those wonderful plus visiting the worls neeting disney character Neve liked the game as this to be in !!
thank you for awesome game forever
this game is unbleiveable !!!
if I had time lool I uninstalled because I dont have time to play it but the game worth worth worth !! I love it to death
its motivated game somehow but some workout make your part more bigger than before as Squatting it makes your butt bigger so careful to avoided it!
they try to make you sexy appeal more than fitness
but still cute game lool
this game is life I've been playing it since its release even I lost my account I back to play again
till now my Staminta didnt full! always empty because every stamina is important to level up my heroes !!!!
and Happy 6th anniversary and forever!!
update: Dream date version is different than Queen Choice
if you are type who enjoy the story with being OC in a game Dream date community is so friendly make you smile all time the events are not stress they release event one by one its fun
well this is not Otome game sadly
its joseimuke game were player supposed to be role played as a girl who surrounded with 4-5 superhero boys helping you in adventure but this game doesn't give you this chance. its like Visual Novel more you only reader to read about this girl and only wish in your dream to be in her place
if you are seeking to find your soulmate this game is not for you unfortunately all boys are for the main character who is not you at all
the game is role playing in CH1 only after that The girl in the game takes all the roles even the date section
The concept is amazing to be a producer and media feild . I am producer movie maker animator and footag and I really carious and findout everything amazing ! ( as anime only )
but after playing the game I only Level up my studio and karmas I have no interest in story at all . also I dont date because I am not dating there the main girl in story is dating its not fun at all .
still this game is fun ! its amazing game I swear!!
it can be fixed but many already liked by this way
if it can be fixed hope there is castomized option for a girl in mini house
also Gavin must stop talking about past of highschool with the girl and describe her appearance many times
Notes (4)
Morevideo call is the best runaway
I just keep watching my wonderful night video call with Gavin I wish to have time to make more video call with him
Read Note
5.0this is happen to be the best ever otome game I expreince
the opening to tell the player that you are role playing the charcter 100% so whatever what happen to the girl it was you and it always makes me feel its me there so I really happy to be there with them
i feel like being welcome from the begin OuO
so the part of self insert was working well in this game !! and even the scinario drag you into the game OuO I am very very very satesfie with everything so far
and the events are so dreamy and really feel secure with the character like I wanna drive along and fly with them whereever they go!
i cant describe about the beauty of the art and animation its over over pretty!!!
so its life completing I am in love with Tears of Themis game
when I feel sad I run into story and read and feel my self filled with happiness again
they are my comfort zone
thank you for this amazing game
my 2022 filled with love for myself