A great way to play discord based pokemon catching games. I miss less of my hunted pokemon from being @ed and having my phone on hand when I can't be near a desktop.
A good game with interesting storylines unique to the game. Dropped it once due to size and devided to pick it up again on BlueStacks. Having some crashing issues.
I really enjoy this game. I play it on NOX instead of my phone since I don't have the space on my phone. The reason I'm not giving it a perfect review is the annoyance from conection issues that typically occurs. It makes playing events a bit more tedious.
The recent unit really was a game changer. No other unit can compare. They have a 100% clear rate currently and this will probably be true for all content to come.
Why didn't they make this global anniversary very hype? I know that they'll make the JP anniversary the most hyped thing out there, but I at least had some hope for global's. The rewards feel pretty much like any normal event.
Pokémon GO/ Pokemon GO
3.6Played it in the past, but dropped it when it started to get boring. They've made it a much more lively game nowadays.