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nozomi waifu 12940694

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Decent game to add to one of the games to play from time to time, although its Japanese, its's still playable.



Looks interesting, just getting the code atm, might update comment later.

Played for a day, the game is simple, the progress is very linear, the game meta revolves on the random stats u get on the items and refining.
Tbh, simple is good, move, autofight, get higher lvl, get mats for craft, move to next area.
There's stats and skill allocation, and there are a lot of skills which is cast at auto.
There's a team finding systeam which is very easy to use too.
Overall this is game got a pretty decent game.

BUT one glaring factor is, though playing and grinding by yourself is viable, the "gem" you gain, which is the main resource you use in the game, for lvling, buying, learning skills etc will fall behind as you level where you will need way more to get all the skills you may need, the only way for you to be able to keep up with your progress is using the auction hall, though, even just 1$ is enough to get you millions of gems via trading(the membership ticket thingy), which is enough to set you off maybe to most of the game.

Kemono Friends:Kingdom


I still find it really hard to believe, that the people behind League of Pantheon, a game with no substance, made a game of this caliber, to be fair idk much about the devs behind this game besides the LoP, but anyone who's been around playing more games will see in an instant this game is pretty well made and polished, this is just me finishing the tutorial so idk how monetization goes but seeing at game of this quality in the sea of, bland, generic and even AI prompt games, feels so fresh and good 😊👍

Edit: Past a week and here's what I scoped of the game so far.
The early part of the game gives you a lot of progress, you get lot of free stuff for leveling and upgrades, energy from leveling which catches up to itself, and kid you not, i manage to rack up 300 draws through the rewards of stages, which made me get the 6star of my choice reward, which is a fun blast pace to play through.

But, after the honeymoon phase, after the 1st week, around lvl 50, the game slows down, almost to a full stop, you will be grinding for the awaken/leveling/upgrades after all the free stuffs are gone, which uses the few energy you have in the game, and leveling/upgrading char will easily take you days of energy, which easily puts your game's pace to almost just the daily or a few blitz runs, fortunately games got full skips, game needs a lot of grind and days to get even a single char to max lvl awakened.

Gameplay wise, it's its own thing, Boses is what i find the highlight of this game, when you fight a boss near of your level, more than having a good char, getting the Boss' gimmick matters most, which kinda sucks, there are fights where I have to bench out some of my strongest units cos they wont contribute anything to the boss fight. And when i say gimmick, there's even a boss fight which you can beat for just deploying pure defensive units, and the other one where you just simply need to keep more than 2 buffs per ally till it kills itself, else it heals in an unkillable pace, you really have to read and be perfect to your team deployment where even a single wrong order of deploy will often means losing the fight. And when you do pull out a win with those bosses, its quite fun and satisfying.

All in all its a pretty solid game for me, defenitely will keep playing it and slowly build my team of my own style and composition, which would'nt work for more than half of the bosses mechanics for sure XD

Pencil Girl



Personally I think the best thing about this game is the music.

Orphans Order


anyone can tell me how to play the uncen ver?

My standard of a Best Game. almost on every aspect... except translation :)

Cadria Item Shop


pretty ok, gameplay is simple and fun and i was enjoying it, until.they gave the freebies and it kinda ruins the immersion of progression...
edit: after playing abit more it actually gets pretty good, making ur heroes go for journeys and they themself gain xp from runs, same as ur crafters, they gain xp from crafts and interestingly uallocate lvl points for crafters, not to mention ur heroes can wear ur crafts, making a good relation of having good crafters mean better heroes.
Just take ur time learning some stuff, like where do u get heroes, how do u get the armorer, try to check every stuff u can check and pretty sure ull eventually learn it, it's pretty confusing but its a pretty fun game if u starts to understand the gameplay loop

Grimlight | Global


I was pretty pessimistic for the game cos of the impression of the game(mostly from comments)
but it was actually a pretty decent game, so if some of u guys are turned off before trying the game, atleast maybe give it a try first. :)

Isle of Genesis - Avalon


very generous to new players, ull get shittons of stuff and gems and enough of S hereos

Kono Warui Koneko!


well thats hell of a first impression, i was just WOW, wear earphones if u wanna try this game, yeah i made this good review 5mins after just playing it cos i was amazed by the intro.

edit: I played almost for a week now and amma just drop what i got from the game.

REROLL is possible because theres beginner missions, the 1st set gives you 10 pull ticket once you finish all the 8 tasks, cant get in detail i cant read kanji but with my salvaged jp i finished it, its mainly do the main stage(main game you play songs), get 10 stars
get a screenshot(set a dress) in dress up, do a runway with any girl(the fashion show thing) try to give a heart too, heart a random player in the stage selection area, and do a live gacha/match(u can live by pressing the button with a signal icon) As for what to roll for idk, I just settled till i got an ssr with the 10 pull ticket.(some infos maybe wrong from here and there i dont really understand jp so sry, also theres two more pages of sets of mission to complete just drag the mission screen)
Finishing the mission to get the 10pull ticket is around 15-30mins based on how familliar u get to the process, you can delete your account by pressing the bottom right option button on the title screen and pressing the button 3rd from left, it will ask you to type DELETE.
For binding ur account, its either via email using 2nd button from the left or via code by the 1st button from the left.

Here some things about the game I managed to grasp, on the get go the game gives you an ticket where they give free access to a lot of R-SR dress(dress this way are marked with a ticket icon and are set lvled to 10 and unlevelable and expires on 7 days) so if ur wondering why ur ssr is weaker than the free ones its bcos ur own dress are lvl 1(on simple comparison ssr easily doubles the stats of a same lvl R tiers)
the game also gives you a free full set of SSR dress which done by the 1st obligatory 10 pull gacha(the SSR dress is not set and there are different set of specific dress u can get).
There also a free 1 pull everyday on the gacha stage.

There are 4 stats, not exactly sure how accurate i can make it to but its like ATK DEF SPEED and LUCK( Speed not sure if only affects move or maybe dash too, it does affect movement speed if im not noticing things wrong, LUCK gives crit chance and lucky dodge chance, could be more, again not sure)
Leveling Account(Player Rank) I dont get it much, more like i dont understand it well, its not ur typical play to get XP, they like take ur top 10 highest score and base on it for you to get a higher Rank.

Tips i want to give out is as soon as u get high grade leveling materials, which can be easier be obtained by ranking SS on the songs is level up dresses,girls and Specially ur battle instrument(totally not accurate naming), it gives a very significant amount ATK boost.
By default with the 7 day free dresses u can get S or if played well SS all the songs in hard.
And just by upgrading ur battle instrument(max if possible) and you're dresses you can start finishing Expert song and even SS them(Very situational).

Scoring system, generally you get more score based on how much you can dmg and how much hp you have left. Every rating u can get from a song follows the same pattern: Normal songs need to get 100k for SS rating, Hard is 200k for SS, Expert is 300k for SS. Some songs are easier to SS with some specific girls because of their attack pattern(laser girl works too good against octupus lady and the girl with the pillar shield)and their dress color attribute(i wont give any details about color dress attributes cos i dont get shit about it, all i know is their collor attributes are based on their dresses colors and some boss seems to have specific dress colors they prefer maybe? ull see this colors whenever a song is about to start)
Scoring based on dmg mostly relly on you killing the boss faster for more bonus points per Act and attacking the boss on break mode on the encore, as for score based on HP left approximately its 1k(this varies a little) score points per 1 hp based on Expert difficulty, so finishing an expert song with no dmg taken (100 HP) gives you additional around 100k pts. This scales to half rate on normal difficulty.
(Heals can help secure a 100 hp bonus score but getting hit drops ur score so a full no hit still scores better)
You can preview every pet(unit) or type of attacks you got to see what they do in dress mode, it will show a short video which is a pretty neat addition.
Most girls can only wear 1 to 2 type of instrument attacks, their default, then another one u can sometimes get from gatcha.
(tip i got from a pro, tornado is a very strong universal attack which is used by one of debutable girls)
Ranking SS specially on Expert is a good balance of atk and def, well if ur too good u can always go for no dmg, some are doable, some requires extreme pattern memorization, like when to bomb and use pets to help clear the bullets.
Dash gives invunerable frames, utilize it.

You can also unlock a lot more girls than the default six and is called Debut, i only debut one for the mission not sure if they some got unique attack pattern.
If im not wrong having a different team leader(1st most unit in a team) gives different passives, i just cant get to details what each does, but the default girl's leader skill is like always leaves u 1 hp before u die, while laser girl is damage boost something.

Thats all i can say for now, as of now i atleast tried beating all expert songs(atleast before the free 7 days dresses expire), more than half of them SS, using just either the laser girl or the default star girl with a single dress set leveled up sitting at 22000 ATK and 5800 def, and my account Rank is 10(which apparently im kinda stucked now i guess cos its hard to high score now).

Major issue(s) I encounter,
Moving small and sudden movements often leads to unintentional dashes, which just ends up me getting hit more...

Nonetheless the game is really fun if its working as its intended to, a bullet hell rhythm game and it just works. Songs are catchy and the attacks patterns complements the music(Left side~! Right side~!).

Like i said a lot of these things could be innacurate,
Feel free to say so if got anything wrong.

ps: the free 7 days dresses that you're wearing will not expire and will be yours, else, the others will be gone.

Feel free to ask any question about the game :)

great graphi
cs, gameplay is basic idle stuff, good to try for graphics and waifus

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so like what? its full FULL, not a single of all the 30+ server seems playable, every nation every server full.
Whats the deal with that?? (edit i played the game)
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