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hah ლ(・﹏・ლ)
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hah ლ(・﹏・ლ)
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i don't care if this not rythm game or anything, at least this game is came back again, it's already make me really really happy!🥹 i finally can seeing again my felix boi 🫶 and im going gacha brutal him [色色] COME AT ME FELIX! IM NOT HESTITATE! [哇噻]

hahaha, kashu kiyomitsu go brrrr.
Im not joking, this game is so damn good. but yes, all ppl saying the gameplay is old, since this game publish in 2015.

there no gacha in this game, just forge your sword. and its based on your luck, even some recipe your favorite sword is not gonna appeard. like mine, SPEND ALL MY RESOURCE to that kousetsu boi. but he never came. [大哭]

no storyline.

maybe people think this game is bored and so old, but for me. this game is precious to me, Im proud of my all sword. and really glad to be saniwa to all my baby boi sword.

ahh.. this is....

..a game life guidance ikemen..

let me straight to the poin.

like everyone saying. this is casual game that prioritize dress up and your lifestyle.

to be honest, this devil butler really help me in real life. my schedule and even when im walking to work and go home, this butler always remind us.

oh! don't forget this butler even have coffe break time for us. when we really break in working place or school, you just set 30 minute or 60minute to your break, and when its finish. the butler gonna remind you.

and the execirse! this game have too, I really like this one! this game have visual execirse for us! and the butler counting like coach. I like it so much! [開心]

the gacha it's not bad. since the gacha just prioritize the dress up instead, so it's not bad for me.

but.. one thing that make me kinda feeling.. weird...?

the voice.. it's not fully being voice.

when I read in the middle story, the first line is getting voice, but.. in middle, not voice even song intrument is gone. so it's kinda weird because it's suddenly gone. [為什麼][為什麼][為什麼] kinda weird it is?

hope the game dev gonna make the best for the furture about this one. because this game just release, so it might be some bug or the progress fully voice not finished yet.

and overall. it's great.

it's feel like having butler online. dont worry sebastian, your still my butler in qooap [厲害] tehee~

ok thats all for now..[開心]
you can try instead if you interesting.

Onmyoji Arena | Global


3year playing this game, and stuck in master. alright.. its not the big problem in here ok.

graphic is so cool, you can might speechless when you begin play. trust me.

but since this game too big for people who have potato phone. so it's not popular, and the dev him self *ahem* do not advertisement this game. of course, this game so dead.

this game just have people who alway being feeder, and make some another account to feeder. lol, Im pissed off when find player like that.

and the matchmaking? damn.. I suggest do not play this game in morning, or afternoon. you might waiting a long long matchmaking, and when you find the matchmaking that took long. BOOM! your teammates being feeder like sdfghjk [發火]

but overall, this game is good. I don't have any signal problem. just that.. matchmaking like hell.

I know, I should complain about that with the dev. but.. the dev himself didn't want to seeing my complain.

smh. oh right..

this moba is different like another moba, this moba you can change the voice of your attack and defend with voice the character you have. that's why Im still stuck with this game. [色色] all of the voice character is so DAMN GREAT LIKE HOLY MOLY MOTHER!

lol.. and all skill chacter is unique, and make you curious to trying all of them.

welp, you should play this game. and trying yourself. [害羞]

I waited this game until they make english, I even dont play the japanese because I don't want to seeing some spoiler about how turn this game play!

and... damn.. my waiting is so worth it! all the song vocaloid I know be there! and Im so satisfied about the UI! [大哭][大哭]

but.. where my gakupo and gumi [鬼臉]
welp, at least kaito is here. [色色]

not gonna lie this game is so great! you can even choose cover by Sekai or Vocaloid, and all of them song is *chef kiss*.

thank you for making this great game. [開心][開心]

Wind Boys!


this is my first time playing raising game...


people say this game similiar with A3 and la corda, so I download some a game raising game like that. and guess what?

the gameplay like that is too flat and boring for me. so I guess raising game like that is not my style and decided not download another game genre like that.

but..! im trying again to playing genre raising game. challenge my self again. I should play some ikemen game because Im the human hunter ikemen boi [懵懂] lololol.

I download this game..

but this game...


WHY THIS GAME SO DAMN FREAKING HOLY GOOD!? [憋屈][憋屈] even.. even it's raising game.. it's.. it's soo much good. the art! the music! the UI! even the gameplay!

for the sake of god! Im so late for realize this game today! this game is too beautifull[賣萌][賣萌] I can't handle all of the cute character in this game, and of course the ikemen!

and the music too! DAMN!


I don't care about the rate gacha, all I want just one. SEEING ALL THAT BOY TRAINING MAKE ME HAPPY!! [色色][賣萌]

hah.. that too much about this game..

you have my word, this game is absolutely amazing.[厲害]

If you don't know playing card, go home and don't download this. you gonna super confused and don't know what should you do.

what did you expected? a rythm game ikemen? raising game ikemen? or rpg ikemen?

nope, it's just a card game with ikemen. yep! just ordinary game card like the computer but in this game the tarot card you choose to be your partner, will play with you. and it's up to you, gonna win or lose. if u lose u don't get some point. if you win you can get some point and plus love to gained your level tarot partner.

like the name of game is tarot card. you can play and seeing some fortune telling in card. it's fun, since I like reading fortune telling [怪笑]

this game have gacha system? lol, nope.. this not have like that. this game is CARD game, so they don't have like that. well.. you don't have to feel pain [厲害] since this game focus on gained up your level tarot partner love.

if you like playing card, and happy to be accompanied some cute boys, this is game for you.

all of the tarot card here are very, very different from the real tarot cards. why? the personality of all character make you think "Damn.. this is not like this, but I like this!"

like hanged man is masochist gloomy. lolololol.. I didn't expected this boy gonna be masochist. [怪笑] is it because he neck being rope? or he real masochist? Idk man.. HAHAHAHA Lmao! sorry I laughing because this tarot is my partner [懵懂]

let me score this game.

Gameplay: 9/10 (this game for people who know playing card. like I said before. if you don't know play go home, ah yes this game casual strategy.)

Art 8/10 (I like the style of art. classic and soft)

Music 7/10 (for me the music is ordinary, like european calssical music. good to hear)

Voice 8/10 (yep! this game didn't forgot to make voice the tarot boys. and all of voice is good! but is not to agrressive like rpg and rythm game you play. if you understand what I mean [厲害] )

I just playing this game and that's all I know, anyway..
it's up to you all to score this game like what, if you like it go for it and support the dev, but if you don't like it. don't hate it. dev is trying the best. [憋屈][哇噻]

this is my opinion... SORRY FOR MY BAD ENGLISH.[大哭]

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Im speed and poor at once My baby boy finally have their song and Im not hestitate at all 💀
he's so adorable [開心]
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