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Priorty grinding Number One go brrrrrr. I'm player Indonesian and i like it game Type RPG,etc. Nice to meet ya! and Welcome :).
hasby nishikino 9685055

關注中 122 關注者 67

Priorty grinding Number One go brrrrrr. I'm player Indonesian and i like it game Type RPG,etc. Nice to meet ya! and Welcome :).
遊戲評論 (14) 更多

Please fix it ur game in lobby Yuru camp developers still bug,and yeah! the gacha thing was still running smoothly animation.



Literally tempat untuk ngobrol-ngobrol,dll.

蔚藍檔案 | 國際版


Setiap gacha banner baru yang nongol pasti dupe Tsubaki itulah saya. walaupun banner baru,malah banner yang kemarin yang nongol. Kuingin meta yang tersummon di gacha aku.

So far so good mechanic gameplay story understanding is good+skill beautiful art. and then ask gacha beautiful. graphic is good i like that. kalo soal Jun maeda dari game ini mungkin ada bedanya. dari segi cerita,dan mekanismenya bagus kok. I hope developers future the best.

Ah yeah! i like this game and then gacha wangy-wangy.

So far so good gameplaynya juga menarik dan ngefarmnya harus spamming walaupun stamina harus dipakai itu. Dari segi gachanya bagus. Dan kalo Enchange character harus itu tadi pertama priortynya spamming dan ngegrinding,etc.

So far so good gamenya bagus kok dari segi karakternya bagus sama mekanismenya bagus intinya game ini memang melatih terus kuda sampai sebisa mungkin.

The game is so far so good and the mechanics of the game are starting to understand. In terms of character, it is so far good and has animation.



Game ini memang bagus untuk siapakah SUSnya. dan orang tidak tau game ini? pastinya gampang ditebak sebagai SUSnya.

This game has a decent mechanism. And especially now that Gacha is really good. In terms of graphics and good character.

This game is very good and tolerable. From a mechanical point of view that's good. On the English server Hatsune Miku collab too.

This game has a decent mechanism. Especially regulating the team.

碧藍航線 | 英文版


game is really good. and add Dress wedding ships Yamashiro. and Events Collab Ships Kizuna Ai-chan waiting.

高校艦隊 指尖艦戰


interesting,and brain teaser for not typing his ship enemy.

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