After receiving the activation code, enter the How to raise a Harem game, click the avatar in the upper right corner to enter the personal center, click cdkey to exchange, and enter the virtual treasure exchange serial number. After inputting, you will be able to directly receive 10 ordinary card draw rolls, and activate the "special csign in" function on the left side of the main interface. In the special code check-in function, you can receive rewards for 14 consecutive days.
聞姬起舞 | QooApp專享版
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領取到激活碼之後,進入聞姬起舞遊戲中 點右上角頭像進入個人中心,點cdkey兌換,輸入虛寶兌換序號。輸入後將可以直接領取10張普通抽卡卷,並在主界面左側,激活“特典籤到”功能,在特典籤到功能中,可以連續14日領取獎勵。
After receiving the activation code, enter the How to raise a Harem game, click the avatar in the upper right corner to enter the personal center, click cdkey to exchange, and enter the virtual treasure exchange serial number. After inputting, you will be able to directly receive 10 ordinary card draw rolls, and activate the "special csign in" function on the left side of the main interface. In the special code check-in function, you can receive rewards for 14 consecutive days.