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Halfwing91 64681812

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遊戲評論 (15) 更多

Memento Mori


best game by far im enjoying it not time consuming and love all song [開心]

game graphics upgrade look great. game play more harder that old ark cos on here you won't get free weapons/armor etc from mission/tutorial ? really enjoy it even my potato phone can play it at high settings but there some issues(bug) with shot mark didn't show and( raft move side way if you bring dino on it) some area frame rate drop so much and crash game (probably cos my potato phone😅) hope they optimise more and add more settings options to reduced crash rate



best apocalypse survival game im ever play been try many game like this but most of them trashy like walking animation or melee attack so jenky but this game smooth bad thing is they remove some good event and story 😔 replaced with some trash event 🤬 and still no helicopter after 7years maybe in 84years later they will add it 🤣

not bad game. im not fan of korean game but im play it bcos aurora stole my heart 😅 thing im didn't like on this game is "gear slot" lock behind character rank that damn shit so light and dark character is harder to get full gear cos they rare and hard to get the copy. any other stuff seen okey. thing i like they give us all character by log in each day 😋




game pretty good feel like abyss revert but 3D skill animation good and game run smoothly that what i like no lag or heat. im really enjoy the game for now 😁

i think this game gotta be my favorite game surely cos ryza[怪笑] hope dev not fk up and kill game soon 😅🤡



not bad [開心]

Aster Tatariqus


not bad tho somehow still play even im didn't like pixel art style 😅


nice game[怪笑]

best game

聖光之誓2 | 國際版


game play is nice i love it but game is lagging and buggy and make my phone burning even at low setting 😔 yeah i know they try hard to fix it hope it will be good game and long live .

not bad [開心]

妃十三學園 | 日版


the game now is offline.but can still meet my waifu yui yay[開心]

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