yeah if youre an imas producer you absolutely need this app its culture bro.You can do 2 things on ths game create your own producer card and sharing it to someone worldwide yeah. i love the editing features in this game,they allow us to use our own photos from our gallery,damn. but dude the app was so heavy,i need i stable connection to open this app,damn...
mmm i give a meh to this game. please redesign the character faces its looks boring dude Hope they add character voices and a matchin boss theme music, but most importantly they have spiders!!! huge spider!!! oh my gawd im arachnophobia and im an absolute dead meat dealing with this game...
but i if youre not scared of spiders or somethin, i think theyre cute....
筆記 (7)
yo this game rng real dirty Yo. I do realize they won't extract common cards(i guess) for contest events, and yet they still push to put the cards I've already erased before, during the run. It probably happened before but yeah this is too open no way i didn't realize it. Man it breaks all the theories I had. (Well, I don't play this game that much; I mean, it's just a smartphone game.) I thought this game wouldn't be that bad with rng..
how's you guys doing on this game tho?!?
4.0smooth 🤓🤟🤟
watch ad for stuffs 🤮🤮🤮